Jamboree 2024 at Deam Lake
September 18-21, 2025 Fall Jamboree @ Deam Lake State Park
1217 Deam Lake Road
Borden, In. 47106
Reserve America, Excellent stalls, hitch rails, Elec., water, dump station, 2 cabins, Bridle tags & Park fee. Questions, any Board member s/b able to answer.
- You can purchase your Hoosier National Forest permits at: https://www.recreation.gov/activitypass/4a296825-8bf3-11eb-9d32-ea8f91b0d211
- the DNR State Permits at:
Trail rides scheduled for 2025
RHPC Trail Rides:
April 10 - 13 Deam Lake Indiana Kathy Swango https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hz83yN9g9viusP56VuiY5PZPUiNlhWvXoiKJdjA1hwI/edit?usp=sharing
April 20 -26 Buffalo River Trail Ride Tennessee Onvetta Herrin, Ann Skinner https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m6UACQ6v6CMaaXpWS7xvrYrQrROWER6iusBXhad1p9Q/edit?usp=sharing
April 25-27 Wildcat Creek Lora Petty, Stacy Wallin
May 2 - 6 Wrangler's Land between the Lakes Kentucky Orah Cullison https://docs.google.com/document/d/1h1VlJY76nvso7omkX0s3pzRT1-sUYHAaom4D8v0W81o/edit?usp=sharing
May 14 - 18 Preakness Ride Double M Campground Sally DeLong https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QtRaSwjewlgm4Vh9ZXYtn9xGesRSP_AkcqQXJrC8l30/edit?usp=sharing
May 23 - 26 Deam Lake Indiana Linda Vogt https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hz83yN9g9viusP56VuiY5PZPUiNlhWvXoiKJdjA1hwI/edit?usp=sharing
June 4 - 9 Cowboy Larry's Hocking Hills, OH Theresa Klepkoff-Daumer
June 12-15 Deam Lake Indiana Rita Brown, Lori Magnuson https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hz83yN9g9viusP56VuiY5PZPUiNlhWvXoiKJdjA1hwI/edit?usp=sharing
June 16 -22 Buffalo River Trail Ride Tennessee Sharon Capper, Karen Humphrey https://docs.google.com/document/d/1m6UACQ6v6CMaaXpWS7xvrYrQrROWER6iusBXhad1p9Q/edit?usp=sharing
Sept 18 - 21 RHPC JAMBOREE Deam Lake Pam Dryer https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hz83yN9g9viusP56VuiY5PZPUiNlhWvXoiKJdjA1hwI/edit?usp=sharing
Oct 29 - Nov 2 Halloween Ride Double M Campground Sally DeLong https://docs.google.com/document/d/1QtRaSwjewlgm4Vh9ZXYtn9xGesRSP_AkcqQXJrC8l30/edit?usp=sharing
Nov 6 -10 Mammoth Cave Horse Camp Kentucky Tina Nunez, Dana Taylor https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_BSR3b7C3op0bjO1fv9efcxu7gZ0nj243B-RO3Q9Zto/edit?usp=sharing
"Cowgirl Fall Fling" women only weekend
Camping and Trail Rides
There are no tack or attire requirements for trail rides, although members are encouraged to wear a red or purple shirt.
There are many organized trail rides and camping activities throughout the year including several out of state rides, please remember if you are crossing state lines to get a health certificate for your horse.
You will need Hoosier National Forest trail permits/tags and State trail permits/tags to ride in these events.
- You can purchase your Hoosier National Forest permits at https://www.recreation.gov/activitypass/4a296825-8bf3-11eb-9d32-ea8f91b0d211
Please ride safe! a helmet and safety vest is always recommended.
Camp hosts for 2025
Lynn V.--Audrey B.--Karen H.
Karen H.-Sue V.-Annette L.-- Cathy F. --Linda V.