There are just a few things you need to do before you can renew to our club and this needs to be done by February of each year.
1. Read and check the box on the Online Waiver a confirmed copy of this will be emailed back to you. Or
print the Printable Waiver out and mail to below address. This needs to be done yearly.
2. Pay your dues and clinic fees if you plan to attend a clinic. You can pay by PayPal link BELOW or send a check to
RHPC Treasurer 12239 E Carter Rd Bloomfield, IN 47424
Payment Fees: By Check/cash only
Rider renewal - $35.00
Non-rider renewal - $20.00
Support rider renewal - $15.00
All day clinic - $40.00
Single clinic - $20.00
Payment Fees: By Paypal only
Rider renewal - $37.00
Non-rider renewal - $22.00
Support rider renewal - $17.00
All day clinic - $42.00
Single clinic - $22.00
(Rider Renewal)
If you are currently a "member" and needing to just renew for the new year!
$37.00 if paying with paypal
(Non-Rider Renewal)
If you are currently a "member" and will not be driving, leading handling or riding an equine at events
$22.00 if you are paying with paypal
(Support rider Renewal)
"Family" who help at parades and various RHPC events to be covered under our RHPC Insurance.
$17.00 if paying by paypal
(All Day Clinic Fee)
Includes one Despook and one Trail Readiness
All Clinics are to be paid at the time of registration Either by personal check or Paypal.
$42.00 if paying by paypal
(Single Clinic Fee)
Trail Readiness Clinic Fee or Despook Clinic Fee.
This is for those of you that only want to do the despook part or only the trail readiness part.
$22.00 for only Despook or $22.00 for only Trail Readiness if paying with paypal
All Clinics are to be paid at the time of registration Either by personal check or Paypal.
(Other Payments)
Other payments are for donations or other items not listed above. You enter the amount.